Do’s and Don’ts of the Joint Entrance Exam for Admission in IITs and NITs

Due to the nature of this examination, there are several tips, tricks, and most importantly, do’s and don’ts for this exam. The aspirants must know these for a better overall performance and the entire preparation span too, in general. Here are all the do’s and don’ts that you need to know for the Joint Entrance Exam.

Do’s for the Joint Entrance Examination :

Aspirants have to keep a lot of things in their mind for a better performance in the Joint Entrance Examination. Here is a comprehensive list of all that you should be doing for this exam.

  • Make the correct choices: When you are starting your preparation, there are a number of things to decide. You need to understand yourself and judge if you wish to join a coaching or not. Once that is done you would be looking for the perfect coaching for yourself. Apart from this choice, you would also have to choose the books you want to follow, the kind of school you wish to go to, and also the frequency with which you would be attending school. These are some of the most important initial decisions that only you can make. Others can guide you through these choices, but the final choice should be yours so that you don’t have anyone to blame at the end. JEE is not going to give you many chances, thus, making the perfect choices at the correct time is important.
  • Form a good schedule for yourself: Make a schedule that you can actually follow without spoiling your health. The schedule shouldn’t be too draining and should contain small targets which you can extend on completion. Also, you must stay determined throughout to stick to your schedule. You cannot afford to be lazy.
  • Focus on concepts and problem-solving: You shouldn’t try rote learning for everything. Even for topics of inorganic, there would be logic involved in some or the other way. The Joint Entrance Examination tests your conceptual knowledge and logics in different ways. To perform well knowing concept application is as important as knowing the concept. Thus, a lot of practice is needed for faring well in this examination.
  • Complete your syllabus timely and form a revision strategy: Completing your syllabus on time is important since once that is done you will be able to start revising things. Also, after syllabus completion giving full-length mock tests will be possible. Revision should enable you to practice sufficient questions along with proper theory revision. During the last phase revision of the pure theory based portions can fetch you easy marks in the examination as questions based on such topics won’t require much time. Try solving questions in a time-bound manner to increase your speed.
  • Do lots of mock papers and practice past years’ papers: Doing past years’ papers of JEE Main and JEE Advanced will help you in understanding the paper pattern and will acquaint you with the strategy which is best for you to follow during the actual exam. A sudden change or formation of strategy on the final day might make you panic.
  • Stay confident and healthy throughout: Health is a very important factor for performing well. You should avoid unhealthy or unhygienic food and at the same time take proper food without skipping any meals. Form a schedule which doesn’t take away your sleeping or eating hours. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated as this will help you in maintaining focus.

The Joint Entrance Exam is definitely not the easiest exam but remember that it is achievable. Keep a positive attitude and work in an organized way towards your goal. Keep all these above points in your mind at all times and pass the exam with flying colors.

Don’ts for the Joint Entrance Exam :


  • Don’t run for a lot of books and prefer quality: This point is a major don’t for the Joint Entrance Exam. Aspirants start doing every other book that they hear about and end up missing out the things that they should have done. One or two books should be followed per subject and should be done entirely rather than doing bits from a lot of books.
  • Don’t create backlogs or let topics pile up: Keep a day per week for revision and completion of backlogs. Don’t start skipping chapters for the sake of catching up with your coaching or school syllabus. You should give proper time to every topic so there is no last minute hassle or skipping of any important topics.
  • Don’t set unrealistic targets or over-strain yourself: Setting short term goals and then expanding your work will help you in gaining confidence and will boost your speed too. It will motivate you to cover more portions. If you set an extremely tiring schedule for yourself you would not grasp much and would not enjoy studying too. This could prove to be harmful in the long run. Thus, don’t over-strain yourself by over loading and maintain a constant speed of work throughout.
  • Don’t skip tests: Many students are afraid of giving tests as it brings down their confidence. There can be many reasons for giving a lesser number of tests. You must fight all those. If your coaching doesn’t give you sufficient papers try online mock tests or join a test series. Giving tests on a regular basis is of utmost importance. Even if half of your coaching students are skipping some test due to any reason you must not skip it.
  • Don’t use calculators while preparing: Use of calculator is prohibited in JEE. However, a number of school boards allow it and hence students get into the habit of using it. The calculations of school level might be very lengthy but JEE always requires you to solve calculations using some or the other tricks which come only through practice. Also, the speed required for solving long calculations mentally or physically requires practice and is much needed for JEE. Thus, try avoiding the usage of the calculator so that you can develop the correct speed and skills to solve any long calculation too without a calculator.
  • Don’t compare yourself with others or demotivate yourself: If you keep on comparing yourself with others you would never be able to gain confidence. Always try improving your scores and fight with yourself only. This principle will always motivate you to be better than yourself. Also keep away from any friend or acquaintances that lower your confidence.

The above points are the general ones to be followed. However, there will be a lot more points depending upon the way you study. Form your schedule according to yourself and not according to what someone suggests. Add more do’s and don’ts to the above list to suit your schedule completely.

Also, since the exam takes place in two steps, if your JEE Main does not go that well, you should not give up and prepare harder to perform better in JEE Advanced. Don’t accept defeat with a single exam and keep preparing and working till the very last exam. Don’t create pressure on yourself and give all the exams confidently. Keep in mind that it won’t be the end and you can do better the next time.


Matrix is a premier coaching institute for the preparation of  IIT JEE, KVPY, Olympiads and other school level national and international competitions for Science students.

In 2018 alone, 350+ Matrix classroom students have taken admissions at IITs, NITs, BITS, DTUs and other top engineering institutes in the country. 30+ full time faculty members at Matrix are themselves graduates from top IITs, IIMs and NITs. Matrix is one of the largest and most successful coaching institute for JEE in India outside Kota.

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