JEE 2020: Hacks and tricks for physical factors and mind concentration

In the journey of getting the best rank in the JEE, the process and method used by a student greatly matters.

How? When? What? Affects the student’s rank in the JEE!

You are thinking about what it is!

How? Denotes how the student is studying to achieve the rank in JEE for admission in IITs or NITs.

When? Represents the schedule of the day in which students spend time in study.

What? It denotes the course a student will cover in a particular set of time.

Joint Entrance Exam or JEE is always popular among the students because it helps in getting admission in India’s top IITs and NITs. This helps them set a better future towards a more successful career. This includes almost all students in science stream and their parents dream about IITs and NITs colleges.

There are several factors which affects the rank in JEE such as education quality in coaching, study material, teaching methodology of teachers and much more. However, there are also some miscellaneous factors that affect students and they are unconditional illness, family issues, and poor concentration, physical and environmental issues.

You can’t predict which issue going to hit you and can affect your exam, so be prepared!


  1. Do daily exercise, yoga is preferable:

Exercise creates a stronger and healthier brain and health which makes you keep your study consistent without affecting any of the days. However, yoga is preferred for better mental concentration and helps in making body lighter. Yoga makes body flexible and provides more immunity to undesired health problems.

  1. Healthy discussion is required

Students continuously study various topics and do not clarify some in case of doubt in any concept. Students must have to clear each and every concept related to the JEE syllabus as it helps in solving basic logical questions. These basic logical questions sometimes seem to be very tough. Discussion of concepts with friends and teachers in terms of real-time helps in understanding them better.

  1. A fixed schedule should be maintained

For the best success in JEE exam, you are needed to be disciplined which includes a proper schedule of the whole year. Each day and each hour is like essential resource to the students and they must use it wisely. So, it is important to develop a schedule in favor of JEE syllabus and must strictly follow it until the best rank is achieved.

  1. A healthy diet including all essential nutrients is important

In order to maintain a healthy body, students are required to intake minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients. So, develop a weekly schedule for diet and take your family help in accomplishing it.

  1. Use natural healing solutions in case of any physical issue

It is important to keep yourself away from the doctor help in case of any illness. It would be better if you use your home remedies in healing the health problems, doctor help is required in case of extreme conditions. It helps in maintaining your immunity and further resist you in other issues.

  1. Focus on mind related eating habits and exercises

Involve memory improving diet and exercise in your schedule and involve it in your habit as it will remain with you along with your life.

  1. Improve your paper attempt efficiency

Practicing more and more question papers within fixed time duration helps in improving the efficiency of attempting the paper. It also helps your mind to get prepared to attempt different logic-based question directly into the exam.

This post is developed from some research and reviews from the students. However, we ignore such issues as we think they are normal and can’t affect much. But they do!

Think for a while that if you don’t put salt to your food, are will be able to eat that food. No, you can’t! Similarly, these factors are that contribute little but are part of your journey towards success in JEE.

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Matrix believes in quality learning of the students and teachers focuses on understanding the concepts of the subjects. This will improve the basic concepts required to get a good result in a competitive examination. Every single student is important to us and that’s is why we focus on the growth of each and every student. We work best for developing a good future for the students and all the faculty members task.

In addition to this, we also conduct the counseling sessions so that appropriate advice could be provided to the students for better results. Instead of providing education, students will also get the appropriate facilities including infrastructure and study materials which will help them to grow in a better environment.